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    « Court Date, or Counsel, Approach The Bench | Main | Need More Incentive? »

    Tuesday, September 29, 2009


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    Olive: SQUEEEEE!

    {resumes normal, serious professorial stance}


    I'm so excited -- The Romance of the Century! :-) And so much better than the one on Project Runway. . . (yawn!)


    Long distance romances DO work Mr. J!! I can attest to it!


    Is Alpha Alpha jealous? Better watch it Mr. J. Keep in mind your bread and which side it is buttered on.


    Y'all are trying to turn me into a dog person, aren't you...
    Very sneaky.


    Olive is a cutie, I can see why Mr. J is smitten.


    Sure she is cute - but she is still a "bitch"!!


    Hee. Mr.J, a bit smitten and charmed by the wee lass Olive? She is a Beauty. and an Aussie... you know what they say about those Aussie bitches, eh? XOXOX

    Wanda in AR

    How cute!


    Nooooooo, his heart belongs to MOMMY.


    I don't know..this could be the cyber romance of the year. You both are too cute!


    Awwh... I can see why! Good choice, Jeffie.

    Seanna Lea

    Ah, but long distance relationships aren't that much fun, are they? Wouldn't you rather have a closer neighbor to love?


    Awww, Mr J, I can see why you're in love. I am a cat person by nature, but you and Olive may be turning me into a terrier person. I know cute when I see it!

    Mary Fran

    Awww - puppy love. Don't worry, Abigail, the boys always come back to their moms. Sorry I missed a day - was having fun at the border crossing near Buffalo. Border Agents have no sense of humor. Then again, neither does God. Someone in Buffalo really ticked him off. Haven't seen a storm like that in years. Of course, that also meant that instead of getting home at 9pm, I rolled in around 3am.


    Mr. J., wait until you see the pictures I'm going to post of Coco in her bath. You'll flip.


    You need to get her a webcam, Mr. J, and an email address her momma doesn't know about. ;^)

    elizabeth a airhart

    this is lil ol pudding pie mr jeffries i thought you i
    had a virtual understanding and here you are playing around with all kinds of females - now you have taken up with a
    younger female named olive- i am quite hurt i may need
    a little botox around the eyes from all my crying

    my alpha just said you just never learn now do you olive is
    cute now mind your manners i might next week

    Olive Bergmann

    Granny says I'm too young.

    But you're so.... dreamy....and kind of, I don't know, MASTERFUL.

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