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    « Random Wednesday | Main | Proof That Mr. Jefferies Is Back To His Bossy Self A-OK »

    Thursday, September 24, 2009


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    Those knitting needles are gorgeous. And RED! I'll be making a donation and hopefully knitting a 2nd scarf, too.


    Go, go Norma! Here's to a great Red Scarf Funds Roundup!


    My tomato plants (as well as my basil and parsley and chives) got too much rain while I was in WI and took a turn for the worse. If I had realized it was raining so much, I would have asked my neighbor to move them under the porch.

    Lovely crop. I'm thinking of getting one (or 12) of those indoor grow light garden things.


    Those knitting needles are indeed gorgeous.
    Almost finished with my scarf. I'll bind off when I hit the end of the ball of yarn, and then done done done! (Starting to remember why I don't knit scarves...)


    The salad looks delicious. I've been so frustrated in my gardening due to the critters that come and eat everything, including all the perennials this year.


    Wonderful greens! The needles are lovely... I will make a donation but only use circs and DPs, so don't want you to draw my name.

    Mary Fran

    Beautiful all around - needles and salad. I will be donating and need to stop procrastinating on sending my scarf in...

    Cheryl S.

    Perhaps your mystery green is Chervil?


    Would you like other items for prizes?


    Dittoing Marylou's question about additional prizes. I may have a couple things I would be willing to send off.

    Seanna Lea

    Ignoring the tuna part, that sounds like a salad I would have enjoyed immensely. I'm not a big lettuce person, because I want my greens to be more interesting than just one kind of leaf.


    I see Cheryl S. has already beat me to the suggestion that the aniseedy herb is chervil. It looks very delicate but will survive the winter here.


    Woo Hoo!


    I covet thy greens.

    Carrie K

    Broccoli florets are notoriously camera shy. Or something like that.

    Gorgeous needles and great cause!

    elizabeth a airhart

    good luck with the raffle good cause
    salad is looking good hope you are too


    Oh that salad... it looks so good! And yay raffle!


    I am about three-fourths done with my red scarf. I'll let you know when I have sent in my donation. Prizes are not at all necessary, but so much fun, so do what you have time/energy for.

    Jenn C.


    And my yummy delicious scarf is almost finished too!

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