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    « 342. Berry Good | Main | 344. Collecting Cardigans »

    Tuesday, December 09, 2008


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    I've got some ack to make hat and mittens for a friend. Not my choice of materials, naturally, but said friend is vegan and needs something more than plant fibers can offer. I figure at least if I make it bulky enough it'll help. Maybe watchcap style with a flip-up band will be enough.


    That's a great quote to keep in mind - Wonky is still warm. I like it. I'm so glad you've been publicizing Jean's knit-a-thon. What a great thing.


    The hat looks great!


    You forgot to mention that the hat is also beautiful with those added yarns!


    Brrrr! Sitting on my computer, looking outside and KNOWING that I have to be at the damn DMV soon, is making me cold. I even have my CPH on! Oh and look it is rainsnowing! Great another day in paradise! I hope the washer came!


    Norma to the rescue! That's a perfect fix.


    That's a great way of reworking the edge! Norma, you are so smart.


    Warm, functional, and beautiful, too! Don't ya love it when "fixing the wonky" makes something better than the original idea?


    Sniff. That is so cool, Norma! Awesome hat!


    Brilliant solution! The hat looks lovely and warm.

    kelli ann

    the hat just needed that warm, handspun makeover. lovely.


    Truly, there is splendor in that hat.


    Now that's a good lookin' hat. Great save, Norma.


    Sounds like a great fix Norma. And the hat looks great too.

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