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    « 326. A Hat For Jean and More Knitting Archeology | Main | 328. Abigail's Hat, Take Two »

    Sunday, November 23, 2008


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    Katie B.

    I don't hate you for not rubbing along well with EZ. Personally, while I adore her philosophy, I'm not nearly as much of a fan of garter. I don't mind purling! (much.)


    Very nice hats! And a well-presented recipe for them!
    I love EZ, but I understand that not everyone does. Wouldn't it be a boring world if our friends were all required to think exactly like we do?

    Jean E.

    Thanks for the pattern. I love the one with the multiple stripes, great way to use up leftovers. By the way, you DID help those with two heads as this pattern will knit up so quickly that the first head will barely be warmed up before the hat for the second one is finished.

    Mary K. in Rockport

    The larger one reminds me of a Hudson Bay blanket. I'd seen that tip about plain knitting one row to hide the color change in ribbing but didn't believe it would work - obviously, it does work. Surprising, huh? How does it look on the wrong side? (I was going to say backside, but you and your readers have such gutter minds.....)


    As a huge EZ fan (I don't think I'd be a knitter without her), I still love you, Norma. Especially when you're knitting such warm hats! Thanks for writing out the pattern!


    While I love EZ, my mind just doesn't work that way and I need no less than two books, the blind-follower patterns (even those don't always help) and one of Meg's DVD's to complete any of her designs. Seriously, I have the Baby Surprise Jacket DVD in my library...


    That's great -- thank you!!


    Personally, I'm here for the socks and racks, but whatever. Fab hats, The Norma!


    I'm into hats these days, too. Nice QUICK warm gifts.


    Nice hats! Thanks for the pattern.


    Hudson Bay hat!


    I love that yarn too, for all the same reasons, though I have to admit to being rather lazy and letting the rain and snow do the fulling for me. Maybe I need to scout around for a nice head form to get me inspired to block more often. Great stripes, and a good reminder that 'using what you have' can lead to nice results.


    Great hats. The brown and grey is one of my favorite color combinations.

    Thanks for the hint on the Ann Bud hat sizing. That explains some things!


    does this mean it's ribbed for your pleasure?


    Holy Schnikes, Bat-Norma, you remember everything.


    Goodness, I thought I was the only one in the world who did not love EZ. Thank you Norma.
    P.S. The hats are great! I love knitting hats.

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