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    « 223. Ruby Charuby Weavings | Main | 225. What Do I Do With All Those Canned Tomatoes? »

    Wednesday, August 13, 2008


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    Ready, set, scarf!


    I bought yarn for the red scarf project a few months ago. I better get busy. Sterling, VA is totally just down the street from Ashburn. The scarf pictured is lovely. Is that the corrugator?


    This warms my heart! xo


    Ah, Norma? Don't tease us...what is that stitch pattern on that lovely scarf? And the yarn, what is that? It looks remarkably like something that I have in my stash...that didn't have a purpose five minutes ago...


    Yeah! Another great Norma project. I'm going to spread the word right now. Best of luck.


    That was a fast year!


    Question: What was Sandy's donation from a percentage of the sale price of that Alice Starmore book? I said I would match her donation but lost track of the auction. I want to make my donation. I will also be knitting a scarf. Take care and have a fabulous day.


    Thanks for the heads up!

    elizabeth a airhart

    my very favorite project

    i have needles and yarn--lets load up the wagon trains
    and off to washington we go

    yes you do need to go washington please

    pretty red scarf


    Ooooh. Do you want any yarn dyed? I have something special I could dye for you.

    marie in florida

    i missed it last year , thinbking of red scarves in january. what was i thinking? i won't miss it this year.

    Cheryl S.

    My mother has been making hats for kids with cancer, but she's a bit tired of hats. Maybe she'd like to do some scarves!


    ACK! I have two Little Red Wagon hats for twins to finish first, and let me tell you, they're going none too quick :-(

    Will I still have time?!?!?!? I can only hope.


    I just found out about this project from Major knitter. What a very worthy cause. Thank you for the information!


    Ditto! What is the pattern? I have a scarf already waiting to be knit up. Just need to finish the damn baby sweater for Sunday, argh.....


    Ditto! What is the pattern? I have a scarf already waiting to be knit up. Just need to finish the damn baby sweater for Sunday, argh.....


    Ditto! What is the pattern? I have a scarf already waiting to be knit up. Just need to finish the damn baby sweater for Sunday, argh.....


    Hi - I'm new to the online knitting community, but wanted to let you know I love reading your blog... and what a great charity knit! I've already made a date to go yarn shopping this weekend so that I can get started right away! Anyway - Thanks!

    Deb in Sterling

    Thanks for the reminder -- I'm not sure I'll have a scarf done but I will drop off some gift cards, books of stamps etc. The OFA office is 10 minutes from where I live.

    I found your blog over a year ago through a link about the red scarf project. I enjoy it thoroughly -- it's well written and the content is interesting, including the knitting and gardening. Thanks!

    Seanna Lea

    Cool. I have a scarf pattern I've been meaning to make for a while (and I don't need a scarf for myself), so this looks like a good time to knit away!


    Scarfers? Really?

    I'll be in the naughty corner if you need me.

    /hangs head in shame


    AH HA! Done!!!!

    Mason Dixon's Slightly Clerical Scarf, done, ready, just waiting on a box!


    don't kill me, dear, but i borrowed your picture to post on the daily chum about the scarf project. Thanks for the reminder, i gotta go dig in the stash.


    Done, done, done, and done. Four of these babies ready to go Sept.1 after collecting the gift cards, messages and care tags to send along. Wanted to get these completed and sent out before yarn and needles disappeared during packing for our move!!

    Sarah R

    Whoa! I'd better get busy! Got my yarn, got my I just need to choose a pattern and apply myself.


    I have two scarves and they are finished and just need to packed up for shipping! I thought I lost the first one, so started a second one. Then I found the first one, right in my own bedroom! So, I have two.

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