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    « 179. Saturday's Blog: Work Love | Main | 181. Black and Blue »

    Sunday, June 29, 2008


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    NerdGirl peas and baby potatoes...such a treat. It's definitely worth the search to find some new potatoes as a way to celebrate you successful pea harvest.


    Wow. They look yummy. beats, too. What a colorful array of veggies mom must have taken. Spectacular!


    Those peas are just beautiful! and yes, go get yourself some baby potatoes and indulge... how's your mom's tomatoes?


    Emmmmm! Love fresh peas in a pod. My kids don't like peas of any kind. They used to sing "little green balls of mushy poison" whenever I'd serve them. Came from a book, I think, possibly a Judith Viorst? Can't remember.


    The peas are GORGEOUS!! Oh yum.


    Nice job! I love peas esp raw right out of the pod. I grew them once without much success and it wasn't worth all of the work I put into them. Now that I see your harvest, I'll have to make a point of trying again next year. I used to help my mom shell peas as a child on the font step.

    Sounds like you've given your mom the gift of a free CSA subscription out of your garden! Doesn't get any better than that! How is her self-waterer coming along?


    We got peas this week and I just love fresh peas so I'm quite happy about the whole thing. We got beets, too. yay!


    OOOH, those look wonderful. They're definitely worth a treat! (I, however, would probably just eat them all raw, likely half of them before they got to that bowl.)


    they look so yummy!!


    my local farm stand had/has peas (i was assured that there would be peas for a couple more weeks) and they were so yummy. i like peas anyway, but slightly boiled (just long enough for them to float back to the top of the water) with salt and they were fantastic.


    Holy Crap, your peas look fabulous!! :O

    I'm kinda jealous. Some of mine got a sun burn.

    I'm loving your garden/harvest photo's Norma.



    Mmmm ... fresh, snap peas ....

    Rachel H

    Worth an indulgence? Absolutely.

    Worth the ear worm you've just given me? Dunno about that...



    Spin the bowl and visualized whirled peas.

    You make my mouth water.

    Lee Ann

    I'm with Rachel H on that one, dude. And for some reason I can only hear it sung in children's hyper-off-tune voices.



    I just had a flash remembering eating raw peas in a friend's yard as a kid. Mmmm, thanks for the memory! I don't have any veggies yet, but my thyme, basil and rosemary and growing and giving us a taste of things to come, pun intended.


    All we are saying, is give peas a chance....
    What a great photo! Makes me want to come up there for dinner. And: WE'VE GOT BEETS! That is very admirable. I should have planted beets. What was I thinking.


    Peas, glorious peas! I eat the first spring ones raw. Mmm, mmm, mmm!

    Marcia  Cooke

    Very beautiful! (You could have notecards made from some of your pictures, they are so good!) I got enough peas today to bring to a family birthday party!

    Teresa C

    Mouth watering!


    If you can come up with a few baby carrots to add to the peas and potatoes, that's pretty tastey too!

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