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    « Junk Mail | Main | Saturday Photo Album, Complete With Exclamations »

    Friday, April 20, 2007


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    cathy goldman

    I am so happy that I read your post yesterday - because MY DH accidently tossed the OFA Brochure. I found it and was grateful that I did. WOW! We all should pat ourselves on the back. But espceially give you a tremendous hug for getting us into this project. I am so happy that I did. Thank you. cg


    I know the scarves I knit were relatively boring but they were also man-appropriate and that was my goal. Worsted Weight. Red. Broken Rib Stitch. That's the ticket!


    nicely done norma. that's just awesome.

    Elizabeth D

    What a wonderful problem for the OFA to have!! I bet they never in a million years thought they'd have cause to need to establish guidelines like these. They all make sense, and I'm happy to comply. Way to go, Norma's team! (And everybody else!)


    You are a force. You rock.


    I love the knitblogger scholarship/fund idea. Your "unauthorized aside" ruminations are usually darn good ones, Norma. It's just so cool.


    I had to re-read that first sentence. I kept "seeing" heresy instead of heresay. I think I need more coffee.


    Great Scott! Well, at least I don't have to feel bad for forgetting to send my one measly red scarf. It's on its way to Afghanistan instead now.


    Holy shit Norma. That is just awesome. I can't wait to make a few for this next round. I'm in for donating money too. :)


    Norma, this is amazing. You are amazing. Bloggers are amazing. Scarves are amazing.
    I guess I'm just amazed!


    I am so going to knit a scarf this year... I think the idea of sending a monetary gift along with it is an awesome one!


    Isn't that amazing that it was too sucessful? Read a similar story about penguin jumpers recently.


    OK,soft and cozy, drapey, no mohair, and stick in a dollar with each scarf. Great! I'll get started right away!

    Norma, I want to give you a great big hug!!


    Yeah for our leaders! Norma--I would like to provide the site with a loom knitted scarf pattern for other loomies to use. Do you think we can have it up on the OFA site for other loomies to find?


    What an amazing number of scarves!!! Seriously, is there a better, more generous of spirit than the Knitters of the world? I'm tending to think not.


    Now that's the ticket. Too many! Lawdy...I got a card from them too and those meanies made me cry. I appreciate the advance notice, now I can start one and have it ready on time. I was starting to think Red Scarf already, so this just confirms it's time to start. (I do take forever ya know)


    This is completely off topic (sorry), but is anyone going to Maryland Sheep & Wool? It's only two weeks away. squee!


    Aww, but that one girl you met with Gale loved that fun fur scarf!
    Perhaps I will skip the OFA and stick to local foster care donations this year, to give them all time to catch up!


    Oh I SO like the scholarship idea!
    Perhaps "we" could set up a paypal donation account so that folks could donate along, and then on the appointed day, we send in the money (thus keeping the bookkeeping headache out of OFA's hands for awhile, and simultaneously allowing us to see just how wonderful we are?)
    where do I click in??


    Wow, we really delivered on the OFA. =)



    I vote Irish Hiking Scarf, but you knew that. ;^)


    This is just a crazy thought, but I love the idea of a Red Scarf Scholarship. I was watching The View the other day and Rosie O'Donell is very committed to revamping the foster care system [they even dedicated an entire show to foster care]. I think that if you were to bring to her attention the huge response of the Red Scarf Project, she'd totally help out anyway she could...and she has the power and platform to make something really big happen.

    ...just a thought.


    i love your idea of making just 1 scarf and donating money for gift cards. excellent!
    wow...that's a lot of time and energy and work to manage all the scarves they got! ouch! but i'm glad that us knitters are so willing to help! I can't wait for next year and i'll definitely be willing to abide by the new rules! :o)anything for such a legitimately good cause!
    and if you want to start a donation-along with the red scarf along, i think that would be great. just $1 per scarf? that's a lot of money! :o) and thanks a lot for organizing the blog/kal too!




    Sounds good to me. I'd prefer to knit just a scarf, as I only managed one this year, anyway. :-)

    Sara G-L

    I really agree with the ideas suggested by you and Karen of the OFA. I was thinking along those lines myself when I read the total of 12,000 yesterday! And now it seems its much higher than that!
    I think the idea of a Red Scarf scholarship is really brilliant! I'm sure most of our knitting community would love to participate.
    Thanks from all of us blog readers for being so involved in such a good cause.
    Thanks also for the heads up on the collection deadline - I know you'll keep us posted!


    Ultimate slacker girl now feels a wee bit less guilty that she has one half-finished red scarf sitting in her UFO pile. And also very humbled by the generosity of others.


    I really like Stephanie's ribbed scarf as a unisex design - (

    And all for the scholarship fund! Woot!

    Kimberly from Some Bunny's Love

    Hi Norma,
    Thanks for the kinds words. I am so glad that I was able to participate this year in RS2007. As for the "hard-nose" rules, I view them as valid guidelines, so I completely understand why you posted them. I will be writing up a couple of patterns in honor of the victims killed at my alma mater, and one of them is a scarf that (hopefully!) meets the OFA's expections.
    Bunny hugs!


    Bravo! That is wonderful news! I love your idea of a knitters scholarship for the OFA.

    My Merino Mantra

    Your post is so timely. I also received the thank you note, but I thought to myself that it was unnecessary; an e-mail thanks would have saved them money, and would have be fine with me. The response I got from people donating scarves last year was overwhelming, and I was just one of many collecting them. I knew early on that the RSP would have too many scarves. For this year, I love the idea of making one scarf, and giving a cash donation to the RSP. The larger meaning of the RSP idea isn't to give someone a "scarf", but rather to help a young person out. And I hear you about the scarf rules! What is so hard about that?


    I have a collection of links here:

    Maybe some will come in handy. And you know I'm up for tags, etc., if needed.


    Hey. I came across this. i just wanted to say thank you to everyone. My name is Holly. Im 22. I got a scarf in my package. It meant the world to me. I don't have a family and continue to deal with homelessness and other issues since aging out of the system at 18. To get a package to me is like getting a great big hug. It makes me think that maybe there is someone who cares even if they don't know me. Im sure others feel like me too. just wanted to say thanks.

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