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    « TAKE A HIKE!!! | Main | Choose Your Weapon Color »

    Sunday, May 14, 2006


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    Dave Daniels

    Yes, it was a great time. And I am SO glad you didn't buy that yarn that looks like it would be for an old Hag. (Why age before your time, darling?) And, yes, you didn't suck, either. And not as heavy as I thought, either. (Hah! I know I am gonna get a smack for that one!) And the picnics this year can only get better.
    And thank you for the yarn for Sandy, she REALLY appreciates it!


    I'm so glad you all survived without arks.

    Haggy? How dare he!

    Rachel H

    at least you weren't in danger of another sun burn. *ducks and runs, giggling*


    I was witness to your soggy wallet while waiting in line with you for fried dough :-) sticky fingers and all with fibers attached ( hehehe)

    It was great to finally meet you and enjoyed talking with you. Your description of your jeans matched what mine looked like.

    Glad to see your porch is so dry- it's still raining here....4 inches since Friday evening.



    it was nice to meet you; you and my angora, in one corner!
    i still feel soggy!


    Well, I'm sorry I missed meeting/seeing everyone but I'm not sorry that I missed getting soggy underpants. ;o)


    OMG. I'm trying so hard not to be a total wise-ass about the weather there. So I'm just not going to say anything. Good lord I would have been the crankiest bitch EVER if I had tried to go to that.....


    Wow - that sounds like serious drama!! And yes, you need to be more straightforward. I mean, do you really think people will read between those kinds of lines??? :)

    But you managed to have fun (I think) and that's pretty cool. Those mittens and the headband are very cute! It almost makes me wish I had weather for which to wear such things.


    I promise that it wasn't me who wished that weather on you, even though I was bummed about missing the festival. Really! I swear!
    Great mittens, though.


    You know, it's a good day when the people don't suck. And thanks for noticing that I was so friggin' hot. I was. I can't help it.
    Are you non pruney yet?


    Ruth and I really, really wanted to go and meet you and Dave and scads of other people, but in the end could not muster the necessary enthusiasm for driving into a monsoon. Yes, we are total wimps. It sounds like we missed a really wet and wild time. We'll just have to hope we catch you at the next one.


    Sounds like a helluva lot more fun than WE had this weekend...long story. Good blog fodder.

    blogless sharon

    yes indeed ,It weas freakin cold. but great to see everyone. norma hope you found a cozy fire to warm up


    I never got to say goodbye to you! I'm glad you made it home to warm up and dry out. I can't believe you were actually cold because you're so HOT.
    Oh, and Dale says Hi right back.


    That was a perfect description. And you were BLUE. If you (thankfully) hadn't not stopped talking, I would have been forced to administer CPR. (At least it would have warmed ME up.)


    Great to see you! It was cold and yet SO fun.


    Welcome to my weather June thru October, Norma!

    At least you had good company and fried dough :)

    Pear Drops start their journey tommorrow!


    Yeah, I was there today (Sunday) and while it was still pretty damn wet, it wasn't anywhere near as awful as yesterday. Thank god for Gore-Tex, that's all I can say. (Ziplocks. Ziplocks are the way and the light when it comes to keeping stuff in bags dry.)

    Lee Ann

    Somehow, you escaped without buying a wheel. I'm amazed.


    Hey, thanks for letting my try on your mitten yesterday!

    You're not kidding about the wet jeans thing. Those things get damn heavy when they get soaked through. I kept thinking mine were going to fall right down. I looked like someone's plumber every time i bent over a basket of wool. That was hands down the worst wool festival weather I've ever experienced.

    Beth S.

    Mittens in May! What is WRONG with the world?...

    (They're pretty nifty mittens, though.)


    I pulled on St. Brigid yesterday -- practically the middle of May, for cryin' out loud, and while I love to wear that sweater, I hope it was for the last time 'til fall!!

    It's never a bad time -- even when cold and wet -- when you're with friends, hm?

    Happy Mother's Day Norma!!


    Aww - how miserably fun. I want to be at every fiber festival. heh Maybe I'll go to one some time - and maybe it won't be ummm.... mitten weather. heh See there's another positive spin: you got some great mittens out of the deal. :)


    And for some reason you felt compelled to apologize for not removing your mitten to shake my hand. At least I was able to take my sopping wet jeans off for the drive home.


    Gosh, I'm really glad you didn't die at NHS&W - wouldn't blogland have been all a-twitter?!


    I usually have a ziploc bag or two in my tote/backpack which would have come in handy (tho mine are more to protect my stuff from the random knocked over cup of hot chocolate, dog hair, mud from the "oops Mom, your bag accidentally fell out of the car into the soggy parking lot"- yes, that has happened!!, etc). Maybe you should get a pair of wicking poly-pro long johns for the next wet/cold fiber fest. Glad you survived the weekend!

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