UPDATE: Some people have been having difficulty leaving comments. The message they get is "invalid URL" and the system will not allow them to leave a comment. Will you please let me know via email if that happens to you? I've reported the problem to Typepad, but it would be helpful to have the exact URL to report to them. It's always something, ain't it?
All right, I'll just come out and say it: I'm addicted to Lost. I got Disc 1 of Season 1 through our Blockbuster online plan and watched it Saturday. When I finished that one, I wanted to immediately go to the local Blockbuster and get the next one, but I waited until yesterday. As soon as that one was finished, I wanted to go get #3. Holy crap, this is dangerous. If I start liking TV, who knows what else could happen. Could reality TV be next? Nah.........I don't see it. That would be going too far. That'd be like.....I don't know, a confirmed anti-sock-knitter having four pairs of socks on the needles or something ridiculous like that. *ahem*
TV knitting over the gloriously laid-back weekend included about eight inches on the Lopi Dulaan sweater, but it seemed like it was turning out larger than I anticipated. I measured it and found out it had a 35-inch chest. Not the child's size that I was hoping for. And I wasn't happy with the way the stripes were coming out. So I took it off the needles and started ripping it out. Of course, with all those stripes and yarn ends, I got frustrated, so it's sitting in a half-ripped-out heap in the family room at the moment. Not sure what I'll do with it next. I'm still picking the slivers out of my fingers from the Lopi while I'm deciding.
I also finished one of the tangerine Koigu socks. It's very ....... orange. And very pretty. I should have cast on for the second one right away, but I gotta tell ya, I have owned this skein of blue/green/gold Trekking since last year's Rhinebeck festival. I've been dying of curiosity over how it will knit up, so I decided, life is short, I need to know what it looks like...now. So there it is, at the top of the photo. My reaction? "Meh." Not so fond of it. I've taken it off the needles and (is this a trend? a sickness? symbolic of something greater?) starting ripping it back, but something stopped me from continuing. So there it is, partially ripped back, partially knitted, not turning me on. I'd have been happier with the next orange one or picking up the crocodile one.
Truthfully, I don't really care. I just want to see Jack. My husband has a thing for Kate, so it's all cool.
I'm so with you on Lost! I also hadn't seen it (I'm not home on wednesday evenings) so a few weeks ago, I got the first 2 disks of season 1 from netflix. I really wasn't all that sure I'd care for it. Wow, was I wrong! And this weekend, all I had to watch was the last episode on Disk 5, since Disk 4 apparently got lost in the mail when I sent it back. Disk 6 had better show up this week. I'm in minor withdrawal, and worry what I'll do after I've seen all of season 1. I might have to see if my old VCR will still tape, so I don't have to wait for season 2 to come out on DVD.
Posted by: janna | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 12:30 AM
LOST, I am an avid fan, never miss it. We had to pick up the videos at Sam's club just so that we could watch them all over a weekend. Afterwards, we had withdrawal symptoms. Me, I like badboy Sawyer :), always a sucker for the rugged bad boy :).
If you finish the first season, you can always read the transcripts for the 2nd season ;).
Posted by: Isela | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 12:41 AM
Lost: we loved it so much we bought season 1 after getting the first 2 disks on Netflix. Now we can't watch season 2, no cable and the station it's on is really fuzzy, so now we have to wait for season 2 to come out on DVD.
Posted by: Ginger | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 12:44 AM
Believe it or not I've never seen Lost. You like it, huh? Well, thank goodness 'The Sopranos' is on Sunday nights, cuz I sure don't need another addiction.....!
Posted by: Kim | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 12:45 AM
Whoa! What brought this on?
Posted by: Lauren | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 12:54 AM
I'm a fellow Lost addict. The problem is I have to really work to avoid seeing any hints about season two because I refuse to watch it on tv. I'm waiting to watch it on dvd because I don't want to be driven insane by having to wait a week between episodes to find out what happens!
Posted by: stephanie | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 01:25 AM
Mmmm....Jack is quite tasty, isn't he?
Posted by: Kathy | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 02:35 AM
See, some addictions are harmless. Harmless. Really. Everyone needs a little Jack in their lives. It does your heart rate good. And you can always get yourself the Kate tank top at the gear shop online. I'm thinking the Lost Cargo Bag would make a nice knitting bag.
Posted by: Dave Daniels | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 06:35 AM
I've never watched Lost, or Sopranos, or West Wing, and if anyone knows how to get my DH away from the TV when Stargate is on (new sci-fi show, every week the good guys get in trouble when their technology malfunctions somehow and you think they'll never get out of it but just as the bad guys are about to get them with only 8 minutes to go in the hour ZAP their technology mysteriously kicks back in... did I say a *new* show?) I'd be glad to hear it.
The sock is spectacular, however.
(Pardon me, I am stuck in shawl purgatory, 18 repeats down and 9 to go, drop-dead deadline this weekend, I think I am a bit snarly.)
Posted by: Lucia | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 06:39 AM
That Trekking looks like great mansock colours to me. And while it wouldn't exactly match hubby's birthday sock, it'd at least keep his other foot warm. Just sayin'. *ducks and runs*
Posted by: Rachel H | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 07:14 AM
Whatever you do, don't watch 24. Lost ain't got nothing on it - and there are now five seasons. Seriously. Don't go near it. You think you won't like it, that all the violence and terrorism and blatant Fox News agenda will turn you off and then you spend six, seven hours in front of the TV begging for more. If you don't believe me, ask MamaCate. ;-)
Posted by: Cara | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 07:46 AM
Want to know what's weird? I was typing the word "tangerine" and the guy on TV said the word "tangerine" (as in Tangerine Road). Creepy! So then I totally forgot what I was going to say, other than it involved tangerine Koigu. Must be Monday.
Posted by: Julie | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 07:46 AM
Yep. Lost. Watched the entire 1st season on Netflix after avoiding it on TV. That's how my little "24" obsession began too. And "Alias". And "Angel." Damn you Netflix!!!
Posted by: Anna | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 07:53 AM
I haven't been watching "Lost" ... but if you're an addict, check out the recaps on Television Without Pity (http://televisionwithoutpity.com/show.cgi?show=136). I haven't read these particular recaps, but love the ones I have read, so you might want to skim over one or two.
If you're going to try reality tv (someday, possibly, waaaaay in the future), start with "The Amazing Race". It's incredible.
Posted by: Ruth | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 08:21 AM
Welcome to the club Norma! I hate all TV except Lost, so it shouldn't have to suck you in just because of one show. I don't have TV, but if it's a new episode sometimes I go to my parents house to watch it, and sometimes we just wait and illegally download it on Wednesday night or Thursday morning :)
Posted by: Miriam | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 08:31 AM
must have ben a TV kind of weekend, lol
Posted by: Judy | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 08:37 AM
Hmm, your house is going to be covered in piles of half-ripped knitted objects within a week if you continue at this pace!
Posted by: Chris | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 09:05 AM
I just ordered Lost season 1 for the, errr, library. Yup for the library. And also seasons 1-4 of 24. I am doomed, I tell ya, doomed.
Posted by: Carole | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 09:09 AM
I’m sorry to report that I’ve never seen Lost. I know ~ sad, but true! However, after seeing the picture of Jack, I may just have to start. ;-)
Posted by: Sue | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 09:42 AM
The Feather and Fan pattern you used for the Koigu sock is one of my favorites - two finished pair and another in the "planning" stage. And as for Lost, I'm hooked.
Posted by: Celia | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 09:56 AM
Hey, Norma -- the Koigu color number you once sent in response to my plaintive plea is kind of an "orange juice" orange. That orange on your blog pictures is almost red orange. That's the color I wanted, and managed to procure, but I'm curious now. . . does your sock, in real life, veer more toward yellow or red?
Also, I haven't watched Lost and probably won't for some time (the kid stays up way too late) but I did the same thing with the Harry Potter books. I wasn't remotely interested. I thought. One day when I was at the library they had all 3 on the new book shelf. I figured it wasn't fair to take all, so I took the first two. Two days later I was done with them and back for the third, and I've swallowed all the others whole, too. And how, tell me how, is JKR going to tie up all those plot lines in just one more book??
Posted by: Elizabeth D | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 10:00 AM
I've never seen Lost but have become totally sucked into other TV shows and had a lot of knitting and TV binge weekends in the past few months. I'm glad to know I'm not alone. At least the TV can't rot our brains because we're knitting, right?
Posted by: molly | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 10:38 AM
Oh, and no problem with the comment.
Posted by: molly | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 10:39 AM
The orange sock is gorgeous. Pretty enough for two socks really, just don't know how you would get the feet to share. Lost on DVD -- Must look into that.
Posted by: Jean E. | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 10:41 AM
More. Orange.
Posted by: claudia | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 10:57 AM
I'm too addicted to Veronica Mars to watch the "competition" on Wednesday 9:00 . . . though rumor has it that it might be moving to Tuesdays next year, after Gilmore Girls--which would be fabulous!
Posted by: --Deb | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 11:04 AM
I have to admit that I've never seen Lost. I'd never heard of it until fairly recently, and then I thought it was some sort of survivor take off. So now I ask, what's it about? I googled and am i right in thinking it's an action adventure type show with people marooned on an island?
Posted by: Enjay | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 11:25 AM
Can we see the trekking knitted up? Please please? I've never seen lost either. Maybe I should?
Posted by: Maryann | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 11:55 AM
I got sucked in to Lost as well. It's because of the, um, the story line. Yeah, that's it.
That is a very orange sock. Tangerine my ass.
Posted by: Lorette | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 12:56 PM
Lost and 24. We call it Crack TV. Can't get enough and if, for some reason, TiVo messes up recording, we get all like cranky and stuff. And then, the kids have to run for cover because we wanna beat something up.
Nah, just kidding. But it is crack!
Posted by: Sandy | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 01:44 PM
I've never seen Lost, although I've heard rave reviews about it. I'm addicting to watching the Sopranos, and for a while both DH and I were watching "Rome" and "Oz" when they were on. I can't let myself get sucked in......
Posted by: Helen | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 02:33 PM
We are pretty big Lost fans, but we had to catch up as we didn't watch last season until it came out on DVD. Thing is, there are all of these little things that happen that it isn't really great knitting tv viewing, because you miss a lot. I, of course, don't care. I just knit on in ignorance. Bliss, you know?
Great sock. Ahh, Koigu.
Posted by: Teresa C | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 02:46 PM
WAAAAHHHH! My blog is gone. I renewed my domain but now it's gone. Boohoooo!
Posted by: sandy | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 03:06 PM
Bah, TV. Blech. Resist, Norma, resist! It's not worth it!
Personally, I like the Trekking.
Posted by: Imbrium | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 03:21 PM
Isn't it funny how your blog checks to see if the URL is correct and valid before it will post here? Kind of like a background check? :)
I'm back. I was hardly missed!
Posted by: sandy | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 03:48 PM
This may seem bizarre, but i refuse to start watching Lost precisely because I hear it's so good, and I just can't get addicted to another tv show. Now that the Sopranos and Big Love are on and Huff is about to come back to cable, I get my weekly fix, and I just can't watch anything else. Sigh. Love the orange sock.
Posted by: regina | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 04:14 PM
I need to get on the Lost bandwagon, but that's what Netflix is for. I tend to cycle through shows long after they've ended their network run. For instance, I am finishing up ST:DS9 Season Seven *just now*. Good times, good times. I love me my Trek.
And? Happy first day of Spring! :D
Posted by: moiraeknits | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 07:18 PM
Oh,oh, I've never seen Lost but I feel my resistance slipping.
Yeah, I can't believe you let the first day of Spring go by without a mention.
Posted by: AnnP | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 09:59 PM
First it's just watching the show. Then you get online and talk about the show. Then you go to conventions about the show. Then you have your picture in a national magazine about the show.
I would like to point out that Stargate SG-1 has Ben Browder, Michael Shanks, and Christopher Judge for eye candy. Now if Richard Dean Anderson would come back I might rehook the DishTV.
I am making do with Hugh Laurie on House though.
Posted by: Michelene | Monday, March 20, 2006 at 10:16 PM
I think Typepad was having a funny five minutes yesterday. I could see comments appearing on my blog but didn't get any emails from them so I could reply. They've all arrived this morning, 24 hours after the event for some reason. Bloglines went a little loopy on me too, telling me that two feeds had a virus (of their doing and not mine though) I had all sirens blaring here when I checked, not a good start to a Monday morning!
Posted by: Tracy | Tuesday, March 21, 2006 at 04:21 AM
That tangerine sock is glorious! Trekking is one of my favorite sock yarns but I like the marled colorways, I'm not much for the jaquard/faux fair isle myself!
Never watched Lost, maybe I should :)
Posted by: Debi | Wednesday, March 22, 2006 at 06:12 PM