I hunted and hunted, with no success, for an image of one of those '60s magazine ads with a photo of a nicely-dressed, nicely coiffed, nicely manicured lady, sitting in her chair looking at a magazine, with the caption, "I'm cleaning my oven."
Anyone old enough out there to know what I'm talking about? I love those retro things from my youth, and I thought it'd be a good intro for this:
...which I would then ever-so-cleverly caption, "I've knitted a scarf." But alas, the effect is lost, because I had to tell you in words rather than have the ad available to help me with the visuals. I know I've seen reproductions of those ads somewhere -- more than one, actually -- but where are those things when you need 'em, eh? Just where?
But behold Lyssa, a reader, photographed above, looking so lovely in that gorgeous red scarf. When I posted about the Red Scarf Project, she commented something along the lines of, "I'm just fresh out of college myself, and I don't have any red yarn, but I would gladly knit up some of yours." So I sent her a little of my red stash -- some oddballs, and two balls of red Furz. She received it only two days before she flew off to Japan, but she still managed to take the Furz I sent and a ball of burgundy KnitPicks yarn she found at her home, and she made that beautiful scarf and sent it off to the project before she got on the plane to go to Japan for two weeks.
I'm appreciative and proud that she used my yarn this way, and I love the scarf and her sense of style. She also pledged to use the rest of the yarn I sent her for a Dulaan project when she gets home from Japan. Thank you, Lyssa. I hope you get to see this post.
Me and my red scarves? Not being quite so successful. I've given up on the L.B. Suede one for now, although Dusa made a good suggestion, saying that she has used it successfully for drop-stitch scarves. If I have time (which is looking less and less likely each day now), I will rip it out again and try it one more time. I'm mad at Joann.com right now. I ordered the Cashmere blend yarn from them on the 14th and it hasn't arrived yet. Their confirmation email says the standard delivery will take 7-12 business days. SINCE WHEN??? Any other time I've ordered from them, I got it in two or three days. If I don't get it in time to finish that long scarf, I'm going to be even madder.
So while I was waiting, I took some Chunky Wool-Ease and started a twin-rib scarf, which is coming along and is pictured in the center of the photograph. But geeeeez. That's just a lot of red partial scarves up there in that picture, and none finished. So, as of now, I can only rely on Lyssa's work as my main contribution to the project. But my girl Jenn, everybody's favorite nipper and my (pretend) cousin, came through for me and sent me a ball of the Cashmere blend, so you know where you can find me -- in my knitting chair.
The cashmere blend scarf is looking fantastic. Your hands are probably happy about the no suede.
Posted by: Lauren | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 12:51 AM
"If I don't get it in time to finish that long scarf, I'm going to be even madder."
Lovely pun, Norma!
Posted by: S.Kate | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 12:52 AM
Thank you for saying (pretend). Otherwise I might have spent another year or two completely deluded about your family ties.
Posted by: jodi | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 01:04 AM
Ok, I'll be the first to admit that I do remember the oven-cleaning ad you're referring to! How young does that make us...?
Posted by: Annie | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 06:19 AM
I finished my odd ball red scarf last night and I really like it. So does Dale. I think I may be knitting another one or two of these for keepers. I'm trying to finish the mistake rib one, too, but we'll see.
Posted by: Carole | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 07:05 AM
I remember that ad. You might need to dig up some 60's magazines for illustrating your blog. I guess you also sing the koolaid jingle while dyeing? (Koolaid Koolaid, tastes great, lets go get some, can't wait?) Nasty little ear worm!
Love Lyssa's scarf. Yours look spiffy too.
Posted by: gale (she shoots sheep shots) | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 07:06 AM
Lyssa's scarf is beautiful, and its creation just shows once again that you are the Queen of charity knitting. Making it possible for others to help by sending your stash counts just as much.
Your red scarves are looking lovely. I'm with you on the Suede though. So disappointing to knit.
Posted by: Rachel H | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 08:02 AM
Here's a possible link for vintage ads (as seen on Meggiecat, a crafty blog): http://www.zanesville.ohiou.edu/emedia/Advertising%20archive/
It's an Ohio State site. Do they have pictures of woman in car "cleaning her oven"? Dunno. But maybe!
Cashmere blend from Joann?? So tempted.I need to get on this red scarf bandwagon regardless. Something to knit in knitting group that doesn't take much concentration.
Posted by: Rachel | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 08:02 AM
Hmm, perhaps Kim has an in at Joann.com and you were being punished by Stashalong??
Posted by: Chris | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 08:04 AM
Damn, and I was so close to wanting to knit, for unknown reasons, a pillow covered with suede roses...
Guess not :-}
Posted by: Lee Ann | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 08:18 AM
Hey! Saw your "pin-up" pose over at Sandy's.........Woot!
Posted by: Jenny | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 08:36 AM
I dropped my scarf off at Einstein Bagels on Sunday. It was a little shorter than I'd like but my husband tried it on (he's a big guy) and pronounced it perfect for keeping his neck warm. I like the pattern that I used so much that I think I'll make one for myself. Thanks for the great idea!
Posted by: Hillary | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 08:37 AM
Here ya go for the ad:
Posted by: Chris | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 08:53 AM
Just wanted to let you know that I made one too. I'm sending it off today or tomorrow. Add another one to your total.
Posted by: adelaide | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 09:01 AM
Hope you get to finish at least one scarf. You have been so diligent in spreading the word and trying to get at least one knit. You are a great looking model for big balls o' roving;-)
Posted by: margene | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 09:04 AM
If you think dealing with MIA and recalcitrant yarns is bad, wait 'til it's time to write the note! There was so much I wanted to say, but in the end I kept it simple and short.
I'll be mailing my scarf today at lunch. 5" x 60", farrow rib for reversibility, picot hems just for the love of pointiness. The Araucania bled for the first two soaks, but the slight fading just heightens the overall tone-on-tone variegation.
Posted by: jpt | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 09:07 AM
Wow, Lyssa's scarf is fabulous! Please don't worry about your contribution Norma, you did plenty even if you don't knit another stitch!
Finished mine last night, pix after noon (eastern) today on the blog.
Posted by: MBT | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 09:13 AM
Norma, me too. My scarves (yes, plural -- I always start too many projects) are sitting here looking iffy. So instead of knitting one nice scarf start to finish, I cast on for three nice scarves and all are in progress. Yes, I could have finished one in the time I've spent not finishing three. The good thing? This red scarf thing happens every year. I'm way ahead for 2007! (Actually, one of these stands a reasonable chance of getting done in time -- I can drop it off next Tuesday about 8 miles from here.)
Posted by: Elizabeth D | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 09:47 AM
I started mine last night but don't like it so far, so I may be changing my strategy. We had the same problem with joann.com and my Christmas present. I almost didn't get my swift in time!
Posted by: sarah b. | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 10:15 AM
I've got two red scarves-and one more planned for today. My husband was so excited that I "didn't buy any yarn". Men-can't live with 'em, can't kill 'em.
Posted by: jennifer | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 11:11 AM
The scarf that Lyssa made is really attractive! Thank you for sharing not only your stash, but also your helpful, generous advice.
Posted by: Sue T. | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 11:50 AM
I will have to trackback about the whole red scarf thing. I can whip one up tell me where it need to go. I went to northeast fiberarts studio in williston today. I say it every time and today I mean it I WILL NEVER GO BACK _SHE IS RUDE RUDE RUDE!!!k yarns is super d duper. ANN in Essex
Posted by: ann | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 11:59 AM
I think you can take at least partial credit for every one of these scarves being knit all over blogland...I know that I would have never heard of this project if you hadn't brought it to our attention. Thank you!
Lyssa's scarf is just beautiful! I'm thisclose to finishing my second scarf, and I'll be dropping them off at Einstein Brothers' this weekend.
Posted by: Imbrium | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 12:10 PM
I agree with everyone else--how many of us would be knitting red scarves if you hadn't mentioned it on your blog (not me!)? Your contribution has been enormous! Love Lyssa's scarf. I'm close to being done on my scarf, too. Now I'm wondering if I can whip out another one in time.....
Posted by: Elisabeth | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 01:21 PM
Yes, thank you, Norma, for giving me something specific to focus on, at a time when I was at loose ends, both knitwise and otherwise. I have mailed off a red scarf already--before the deadline--not like me at all! I had one skein of red in my stash, some Lion Brand acrylic mohair--a thrift shop purchase, no doubt. It was too garish to use alone so I used it double strand with some black in 1x1 rib and it looked good in a buffalo plaidish way. Benefits=less stash, good TV knitting and easy care,warm soft scarf.
Wanted to add that I was also impressed by the quality of the items sent to Dulaan. I keep going back to look at the pictures. We need something heartwarming at this time of year. Thanks for making us feel like we're all connected.
Posted by: AnnP | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 02:27 PM
Hopefully you'll finish something, but if not, you can at least lay claim to a portion of many others. I would never have known about this project without your blog, so like so many other people, you can claim a part of mine!
Posted by: Doris | Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at 04:03 PM
I lurk all. the. time. but this necessitates de-lurking. Imagine my surprise to come to your blog to see a photo of Lyssa, who graduated HS with me (in Arizona), and whom I've not seen since. Just....wow. The Land of Knitblogs never ceases to amaze me.
Posted by: jen. | Sunday, January 29, 2006 at 09:06 PM
I echo the above sentiments and give thanks for letting us in on the fun! My two scarves (WHEEEE! I'm PROUD!) went to Einstein's today and the girl-chick at the counter goggled at them and said, in sotto high school voice, "Did you MAKE these?"
Photos for other potential gogglers are on my blog. Thanks again Norma. You're bookmarked here in AZ now!
Posted by: kt | Wednesday, February 01, 2006 at 12:21 AM