(UPDATE: This yarn is I believe discontinued. I can't find it anywhere. It is OnLine Trend Collection Lambswool 112. It is a DK weight superwash merino lambswool. The 112 refers to 112 meters, I assume.)
Any questions?
Yes, I expect there are a few. Here are some answers:
From top to bottom*:
1. 9 (yes, NINE!) packets Lemon-Lime
2. 6 Raspberry Reaction
3. 4 Strawberry
4. 3 Raspberry Reaction, 3 Lemon-Lime
5. 5 Grape
6. 3 Strawberry, 1 Grape (my favorite!)
7. 6 Wild Watermelon Kiwi, a tiny wash of Strawberry -- and I do mean TINY.
*Amazingly, the colors photographed quite accurately. Will wonders never cease?
More questions, no answers:
Can I quit my job and do this full-time?
Where can I get some more of this wonderful yarn that seems to love Kool-Aid colors so much? (Please note once again how differently this yarn took the color as compared to the Rambouillet ties holding it together -- they just came out pastel. hmmmm, interesting!)
Does this mean I live in a Wool House now?
What ever happened to my plan to do the rest of the skeins in the original green color?
What am I going to do with all those greens that are just close enough to clash?
Where is that Kirstin sweater?
Forget Kirstin; where is the Must Have?
And what about that little poncho?
And the lace scarf?
Will I take the red Artisan Wool-Alpaca off the market and overdye it to suit my taste?
Mysteries all.
And on another topic near and dear to my heart, go read an incredible a credible story about homeopathic healing. For those who call this wonderful art quackery or a placebo, I say look at its effect on babies and pets. They cannot know what you've given them, or even IF you've given them something. When they have dramatic results like this, I say it's proof positive of its overwhelming success. I was originally sold on homeopathy when I tried this product on my nephew who was one year old at the time. He had been bitten head to toe by mosquitoes, was covered with welts and was in itching agony. I put this gel on him and IMMEDIATELY all the welts were GONE. GONE. Permanently. And his whole demeanor changed. This is when I made my first appointment with a homeopath for me and my daughter. My daughter had plantar warts. We had gone with conventional doctors' treatments for years -- acids to burn them off, surgery to remove them, over and over again. They kept coming back, bigger and more, and were now on her fingers as well. It was very painful and disfiguring.
We had one appointment with a homeopathic M.D. in our area. He prescribed a remedy for her -- little sugar pellets of her constitutional remedy to be taken two every day, plus a "booster" remedy given in his office. We were told to come back in three weeks. We weren't sure if any change had occurred. We were in the waiting room waiting to see the doctor at our three-week checkup. My daughter, then 12, suddenly said, "Look." Before my eyes, the warts were peeling off her, as if they were literally JUMPING off her. (and no, I am NOT crazy.) It happened just at that moment, literally minutes before our appointment with the doctor. They never came back.
I had had severe environmental and animal allergies all my life, and I will tell you, if I had not been bound and determined to make this work, the first two months I might very easily have given up on homeopathy. The way homeopathy works is the opposite of the way conventional medicine works. Conventional medicine suppresses symptoms; homeopathy pushes them to the surface. I had 38 years' worth of allergy symptoms to come to the surface. I suffered during that two months, but could not take the antihistamines I so wanted to stop using. (This was just after the antihistamine I had been taking for over a dozen years, and been told repeatedly by all my doctors that it had absolutely NO SIDE EFFECTS, had been banned by the FDA for causing liver damage. I.was.PISSED.) So I suffered through that autumn and stuck with the homeopathy. The next spring, when my allergies usually sprang up, THERE WERE NONE. And I have been allergy-free (from environmental allergies) ever since. These are only two aspects of our health we have taken care of through homeopathy, we are sold, and that's my little unplanned testimonial. Thanks, Kim.
Homeopathy works. This post reminded me to apply Arnica to my sore elbow and wrist (size 19 needles- yuck) so that I can use them to knit tomorrow- preferably on something teeny!
The strawberry-grape is my favorite, too. WOW! Pretty.
Posted by: Mary-Heather | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 12:39 AM
The strawberry grape color is my favorite too. Daniel's is the top green. I don't think the greens clash too much. They'll look cute.
Posted by: Lauren | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 01:12 AM
those colors are fantstic!
Posted by: froggy | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 04:39 AM
Wonderful results on the Kool-Aid overdying...what is the yarn used? Tried to check it out in the photo but can only tell that it is an On Line yarn. Thanks
Posted by: Pam | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 06:42 AM
This is first time I've ever actually been inspired to dye....
Posted by: Rachael | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 07:50 AM
More questions: what is the yarn you dyed? and why why why did you have to do this and post it? I've never been tempted to dye before......
Posted by: gale | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 08:17 AM
What fun! Love the colors...I can't wait to see what you make with them.
Posted by: Jackie | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 08:20 AM
That was an amazing testamonial! Now my curiosity is peaked!
Posted by: Tara | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 08:30 AM
Hey dye girl, nice work. But, I think you need some dyes that aren't also drinks. Just in case in the future you may want slightly more subtle colors.
Posted by: claudia | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 08:39 AM
I too have been using homeopathics to treat allergies etc. They are a wonderful alternative. Also, I switched to osteopaths (DO) rather than MD) for much the same reasons.
Posted by: Judy | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 08:59 AM
Homeopathy is always interesting. There is a little bug bite thing they sell at Whole Foods, I forget what it's called. Essentially, it's a little electrostatic shocker. You put the tip on your bug bite and press around ten times and it shocks the bug bite out of your system. I have horrible reactions to mosquitos and this not only stops the itch but stops the swelling immediately. I think I'll get that rememdy you recommended though because my 3-year-old is, understandably, less than fond of the "shocker".
Posted by: Liz | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 09:29 AM
Very kool. Did you have to do anything to take the color out of that yarn before you dyed it?
Posted by: Colleen | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 09:32 AM
Wow, those koolaid colors are really vivid and you didn't even start with white yarn! That's amazing. I might have to try this dying thing, I am just not up to the level of the Harlot's guest blogger, Laurie. The only dying I ever did was with Rit dye in the washing machine and it wasn't satisfying enough to repeat. Hmmm, maybe you should do a koolaid dying 101 tutorial for the color challenged. Inquiring minds want to know.
Posted by: Julia | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 09:43 AM
Thanks so much for sharing the link to the mosquito bite gel. I'm chemically appealing to insects of all kinds (if I'm in the area, no one else gets bit), and mildly allergic to mosquitos (noticable swelling, with at least a week of severe itching). I've never found a repellent that works, and never found an anti-itch agent that works, so I'm always thrilled to find out about a new product that's worked for other serious cases. Maybe a natural remedy will be better than all those chemicals currently on the market. We'll see this summer! Thanks, Norma!
Posted by: Cathy | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 09:57 AM
Oh, glad to hear about your happy endings with alternative medicine... I'm going through NAET treatments right now, and while I understand it's a slow process, I'm not yet at the point where I can notice a difference.
The current Family Circle Easy Knitting issue has an article on dyeing yarn—between that and your posts, I see a dye party in my future. You've inspired me! Beautiful.
Posted by: Sara | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 09:58 AM
Wow, those colors are exceptionally vivid. What a great cheery way to start my morning!
Please keep posting about your dyeing adventures so that us non-dyers can live vicariously....
Posted by: Ann | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 10:05 AM
I must say...I'm surprised you haven't knit socks yet. I think that DK weight Kool Aid Yarn would make some pretty funky ones...hint, hint. ;)
Thanks for stopping by Ms. Norma!
Posted by: Wendy | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 11:02 AM
When you buy your Kool-Aid, look at the pitcher the KA guy is holding on the front of the packet. It shows the color of the drink/dye.
Posted by: Michelene | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 11:03 AM
You thought someone would send you socks?! Hahahahahahaha! Good one Norma.
My ND gave me his email and cell phone while he is on vacation. Ever hear of a doc who does that?
Love your yarns...they might make a good Charlotte's Web or, or socks!
Posted by: Margene | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 11:27 AM
Hey Norma, "The Wool House!" That will be the name of your yarn shop.
Love your yarns. I had a KoolAde Dye party, using Cottage Craft Woolens, your yarn colors are much deeper. Nice.
Posted by: Debra | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 11:41 AM
A homeopathic remedy stopped my daughters throat from closing up late one night when we were deep in the wilds of PA and almost an hour from any hospital. I've sworn by it ever since.
And I'm with Claudia. We need to get you some straight food coloring, or something. Gaywool dyes maybe, which I've heard is really good. Something. I just giggle every time I think of how your house must smell with all those Koolaid fumes.
Posted by: Cassie | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 12:30 PM
Oh, and I don't think its a wool house until you knit socks - (ducking).
Posted by: Cassie | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 12:31 PM
Hmm... the greens would look SHOCKINGLY fantastic as fair isle, with black....
Posted by: Amie | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 01:41 PM
Oh, yes, and I knew a horse who reacted brilliantly to magnets on his arthritic joints. We didn't tell him it was wacky hooey that wouldn't work, clearly he was taken in by the suggestion.... ha.
Posted by: Amie | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 01:43 PM
It's an addiction, I tell ya. I dyed some single ply Briggs and Little with 4 different Kool-aid colors. When I knit my socks (yes, socks) at work everyone is amazed by the colors. My last trip to the grocery store I brought home 11 packs of the stuff. Heehee. I think I need to try out some of the changing colors flavors.
Posted by: Kim b | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 03:11 PM
I'm using Zicam, a homeopathic cold remedy, and this is the shortest cold I've ever had. Hasn't progressed to my chest, which it almost always does. Wow. I'm sold!And Wow on those Kool Aid colors, too!
Posted by: Celia | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 04:10 PM
It is all your fault Norma....my fingers are stained grape, yellow and red. Of course when I do a haircolor I always wear gloves at work.Thanks for inspiring me. I loved Kim's story too.
Posted by: Maureen | Friday, February 25, 2005 at 09:26 PM