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    « Thrumming My Nose | Main | Rhinebeck, The Musical -- A Work in Progress »

    Sunday, October 17, 2004


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    *sigh* such beautiful wonder in that basket! I'm proud to have been present at some of the buyings!
    thanks for a great time. Hope your hubby snores tonight to make you feel at "home".


    Sorry we missed each other. Maybe next year? I'm glad you had a good time.


    Spindles? Do i see spindles? I have been thinkinh about you women all weekend. Can't wait for more of the scoop.


    It was great to meet you at Rhinebeck!! I love your basket of puchases.......isn't it great fun? Hmmm......if snoring is what you were missing......come stay with us next year or maybe..... we just may have the roomate for you....hehe!! Looking forward to your stories :-)


    I'm sensing that a wheel is in your future. Just a hunch. :) I had a great time hanging out with you, grasshopper!


    BWAHAHAHAAA! She has come over to the dark side of the force. I knew it was only a matter of time.

    Sounds and looks like you had an awesome trip..... wish I had been able to go. Now that you are spinning you are coming to Utah next fall for SOAR with Judy, right?

    Mary Beth

    Maybe Sandy should do a "show your basket" thing! Norma - it was GREAT to meet you, hang out with you, shop with you! Hope your knitting plans work out - I'll keep you posted on mine!


    Gorgeous!!!!! Love the stash enhancement. I can't wait to see what comes of it.


    I'm so jealous, it sounds just lovely! Maybe someday I'll make a trip like that. :)

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